PROJECT metrics


Thomas Bolvig Amorøe avatar
Written by Thomas Bolvig Amorøe
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: All projects dashboards ONLY include projects that have a client reference.

Budget (B)

Budget data on projects are not yet available in Tripletex API.

Spend (S)

The sum of:

  1. Sales value of time entries

  2. "Reiser & utlegg" at "Fast fakturert beløb" if available - otherwise at cost value

  3. "Enkel føring bilag", and "Detaljert føring bilag" at cost value (potential mark-up is not available in API)

Invoiced (I)

The sum of finalized sales invoices (excl. VAT/taxes)

Specifics for "Overview" dashboard

ONLY external projects are included (and with a client reference)

Specifics for "All projects" dashboard

Does not contain closed projects that are more than 2 years old

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