STAFF metrics


Thomas Bolvig Amorøe avatar
Written by Thomas Bolvig Amorøe
Updated over a week ago


Formula for Time entry % is:

Sum of all time entries (including all absence entries) / Capacity

Time entries made to the task(s) optionally defined as "bank holiday", are always excluded from both time entry and capacity. Click here to see and modify setup (click the cog wheel below EazyProject logo).

EazyProject has a day-by-day capacity table, which GoSimplo relies on 1:1 in terms of single employee capacity.

IF a start and/or end date has been set on employee, GoSimplo will only count capacity from and to these dates. Also, in all Staff statistics, time entries before employee start date and after end date are disregarded completely. If no dates have been set, the employee will add to capacity in all available periods and all time entries will be reported.

Absence entries made by employees does not reduce capacity.

In GoSimplo, target for Time entry % is always 100%.


Formula for Billable time % is:

Billable hours / Base of all hours

Billable hours are all hours on billable projects. Billable projects are defined by:

  • Client not being "Internal" in EaxyProject

  • "Contract type" on project not being "Not for invoicing" ("Faktureres ikke").

Internal clients are (by necessity) also defined here in GoSimplo setup (click the cog wheel below EazyProject logo).

In the business world, there are various opinions on how to best measure Billable time % - i.e what “Base of all hours” should be. Should it express Billable time compared to total capacity? Or should it express Billable time compared to actual hours worked?

For that reason, you can choose your own principle in GoSimplo – subject to what your source system supports. EazyProject supports the following options:

1. Capacity, excluding bank holidays

2. Capacity, excluding bank holidays & vacation

3. Total entered hours

4. Total entered hours, excluding vacation

5. Total entered hours, excluding vacation & other absence

See your current selection and modify here.

As EazyProject does not deliver a Billable time target, you will automatically be prompted for this target, when connecting for the first time (one common target for all employees). It is also supported to set individual targets here.

Non-billable time

All types of absence are disregarded and Non-billable time is hence the sum of:

+ Time entries on internal clients

+ Time entries to projects owned by external clients, where "Contract type" is "Not for invoicing" ("Faktureres ikke").

Absence (“All time types” widget)

Vacation and Other absence is equal to time entries entered to task(s) defined as such in GoSimplo setup. You were prompted for this setup, when connecting to EazyProject. Click here to see and modify setup (click the cog wheel below EazyProject logo).

The display of absence on dashboards is dependent to the “Base of all hours” setting mentioned above. Working in this way:

1. Capacity, excluding bank holidays: Absence = All entered absence incl. vacation

2. Capacity, excluding bank holidays & vacation: Absence = All entered absence excl. vacation

3. Total entered hours: Absence = All entered absence incl. vacation

4. Total entered hours, excluding vacation: Absence = All entered absence excl. vacation

5. Total entered hours, excluding vacation & other absence: Absence will never appear in widgets

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