
How to connect to WorkBook

Martin Puge avatar
Written by Martin Puge
Updated over a week ago

GoSimplo can connect to WorkBook using its REST API and to do this we need the following credentials from WorkBook:

  • Your WorkBook Address

  • User name & Password for a system administrator user

Disabling Two Factor Authentication for GoSimplo using IP Whitelist

You can optionally disable two factor authentication in WorkBook for specific IP Addresses. GoSimplo uses non-shared IP Addresses when connecting to source systems, making it safe to whitelist GoSimplo with 2 Factor Authentication disabled.

To use the IP whitelist in WorkBook you must explicitly add the IP ranges that you access WorkBook from to the IP whitelist, otherwise you will be unable to login.

To disable two factor authentication for GoSimplo, go to WorkBook and open IP Whitelist setup under Advanced tools in the Settings area.

Add a new rule per IP address for the IP addresses specified here, and toggle Disable 2FA + Allow administrator login. This will allow GoSimplo to skip two factor authentication.

Remember that your own IP ranges must be allowed as well!

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